Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Up in the Atmosphere

We spotted this tree south of San Fran...I thought it looked like the kind of tree Wordsworth would have mused under so naturally I had to introduce myself. Sadly its mood was rather taciturn. ...Had I remembered to pack my red and white checked tablecloth we at least could've picnicked... as it was, I thought I'd prove you're never too old for climbing.

**Photos courtesy of MommaLove**


khaggstrom said...

I love the top picture! It instantly makes me want to be there…

To experience the field and the coolness in the breeze that I imagine sweeping across your face ever so gently!

What a wonderful find Heather!

Anonymous said...

What?!?! These pictures are totally insane!

Mom said...

You are so fun! Whimsical is an even better word. Love it :)