Thursday, January 6, 2011

puppet master

Boys will be boys but sometimes - and particularly if there are puppets involved - so will men. I made a makeshift puppet theater using two sets of curtains held up by a golden rod. It needs improving but it'll do for now. During our family Christmas celebration Audrey and her cousins put on a very memorable production of the Christmas story using an ostrich and a mouse as wise men. It was the purest form of entertainment I've seen in quite some time... possibly ever. And on New Year's Day, just before bed, the children were each given flashlights; Dutch put a white sheet up on the wall and we used puppets to tell shadow stories, voices and all. It wasn't just great, it was grand.


KillerB said...

Oh look at that smile on her little face-- LOVE!

Lindsay said...

Sooo fun!! Santa brought Taryn puppets this year! Can't wait till we can come over and have puppet shows together! :)