Monday, December 6, 2010


This is not an ad for Land's End; but it could be. These are not my children; but I wish they were. In fact, they belong to my old college friend, Al, whose blog will make you want to run outside and make a snowman, whether or not you have children, or a yard full of snow. If I were in the business of exploiting people for money, hers would be the first door I would knock on. As it is, I will remain content to admire her from a distance, and seize every opportunity to enjoy the season - such as, for starters, catching the next plane to Portland to enjoy two weeks of rain and cold!

1 comment:

allison said...

What I wouldn't give to share a cup of warm cider with you in front of our fireplace this morning! Though I'll sit alone, I'll keep dreaming of a reunion in two years! Love you and miss you....